It is a bandwagon I would like to jump on, please. Here is some cool stuff I found in 2007. Much of it actually coming from other years (but not years in the future, as I am not a time traveller - or AM I?!) because I am always behind on everything and they have been making cool stuff for billions of years, so give me a break, okay?
---Of the movies I saw:
Funny, moving, strange and deeply human psychedelia.
Politically aware cyberpunk, demonstrates that Kenji Kamiyama can spin a decent yarn if you let him do it in a more cinematic format. Needs more colons.
Character-driven monster movie provides laughs, scares and tears.
---Of the books I read:
His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
Breathtaking imagination and heart.
A Scanner Darkly - Philip K. Dick
Because my record got stuck.
Pushing Ice - Alistair Reynolds
All this is fleeting, the most solid buildings just motes of dust.
---Comics and manga:

So adolescent angst can be evocative and touching. Now I shall have to eat my hat. Pass the pepper.

Teenager becomes vengeful angel. World-class detective pursues! But I only read the first volume. Why? Because I got distracted. Thus forms my first new year's resolution.

Why did I read so much of this stuff? And there are like a million volumes of it! My name is Pacian, and I am addicted to dumb stories about pirates.
---TV Shows
Battlerstar Galactica
Intelligent science fiction on television? Someone should have done this before!
It is better than Doctor Who. It is better than Doctor Who. It is better than- you get the idea.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig
Didn't live up to its potential, but full of cool ideas, beautiful visuals and visceral action.

So... cute... can't breathe...

Actually, I could probably have spent all those hours doing something much more productive.

They're back! And some of it is excellent! And some of it is not so excellent, but we will ignore that because these two seemed to chime more with my personality than Lost Pig or Aquaria or other - arguably better - games. Tomorrow I am probably going to think of a really stonking game I played in 2007 and kick myself.
You, and you, and especially you. On which note, I wish you all a happy and creative New Year!