This is the frog that I drew on the front of my personal notebook during one of my revision lectures today. Tune in next Friday for another drawing of a frog!
C.E.J. Pacian presents the world's first liquid-fuelled rocket-blog: trapped in a hyperbolic orbit to nowhere in particular.
It's not rocket science, in fact, it's not science at all. Whether you are an Aries or a Pisces, it is ultimately about people and what makes us what we are.That's kind of like saying "phrenology is not a science at all but it is ultimately about people and what makes us what we are." How do we know it is about what makes us what we are? There is no evidence that the bumps on your head determine your personality. Nor is there any that the position of the planets and stars does either.
A distinctive animation from Production I.G., Kai Doh Maru is not an easy film to like. It seems to be aiming for a Crouching Tiger style 'touching martial arts epic' feel, but its disjointed narrative obscures rather than illuminates, as does, at times, the remarkable visual style.Finally some links to what's on my mind (as advertised). Nothing too exciting today, but:
It's certainly unique, but I'm glad I didn't pay very much for it.
A step in the right direction for console-to-screen transitions and a twisted masterpiece of set design. Ultimately, though, it's a little too much like watching someone else play the game.
Google wasn't selling unauthorized Miro prints, it was paying tribute to an artist likely to be forgotten or unknown by younger generations.*cough* Yes, those ignorant youths... *ahem* Another poster, dclowd9901, answers:
[C]ould it be possible that Miro's family simply didn't want Joan's work to be bastardized into something as corporate as Google?Finally P.Z. Myers has a post here, which I find particularly amusing having recently been exposed for the first time to the idiocy of anti-contraception advocates. And that’s one hell of an ugly final sentence on my part.
I am extremely cool and all the kids want to be just like me. Sexy ladies looking for a good time should call [my mobile number].Or perhaps a description of a person is just a list of facts and anecdotes such as: I am just finishing a Computer Science degree. I don’t know why I did a Computer Science degree. I tried a physics degree before that, but it didn’t work out. And soon I’ll find that I have to get a job that is the kind of job you get with a Computer Science degree. What kind of job is that? Would it be anything that I can be passionate about? Am I even capable of being passionate about something in the everyday world of ties and paperclips? How does this constitute a list of facts and anecdotes?