
Making Waves and Shadows

Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Image source

Here's something you'll only see once in a Saturnian equinox. We already know that Saturn's moons play a big part in maintaining its rings - both adding material to them and 'shepherding' their edges. But here we can see the ripples that tiny (8km) moon Daphnis creates are themselves casting shadows onto the rest of the rings.

Daphnis' waves apparently have a vertical component of around a kilometer in height.


Zhoen said...

Surfer moon.

Deserves a song.

Anonymous said...

Naughty girl, Daphnis. Making waves. Tsk. ;-)

tinker said...

Looks a bit like the picture on my tv set, since the conversion from analog to digital...

paralian said...

It looks like Saturn's rings are made of paper and someone couldn't find any scissors so they tried to fold it a bunch of times and rip it.