
Friday God Blogging

Cupid, god of erotic love, seen here abducting Psyche. Because this blog needs more pictures of pretty naked people.


Zhoen said...


Udge said...

strange image, he seems not particularly rampant and she not particularly unhappy. My first thought was that he was shielding her from some danger (that she wasn't sure she needed to be protected from)

Pacian said...

I think that rather than a literal 'kidnapping', the painting is supposed to represent a woman being swept off her feet by a handsome man.

Specifically, Cupid is carrying her off to the heavens where she will be immortalised as a goddess. And before the couple reached this stage, Psyche first had to win back his love after betraying him. Not a typical case of a man throwing a woman over his shoulder, by any means.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I certainly prefer this image of Cupid over the usual cherubic Cupid depicted for Valentine's Day - judging from this, they don't do him justice.
He must have had the artist paint him from his good side.

Shifting Sands said...

The whole thing is very interesting indeed...