
My Top Ten Authors by Quantity

So after a recent reshuffle of my bookcase, I decided to sit down and actually count how many books I have by different authors. It's one thing to try and answer the question, "Who are my favourite writers?" but it's another, possibly quite separate one to try and see which writers you've most read.

Anyway, this is what my list looked like. Conveniently, stopping at authors where I own four of their books meant that I wound up with a top ten.
1.Haruki Murakami (13 books)
2.Alistair Reynolds (9 books)
William Gibson (9 books)
4.Joseph Conrad (8 books)
5.Carl Sagan (6 books)
Andy McNab (6 books)
7.Virginia Woolf (5 books)
Philip K. Dick (5 books)
9.Franz Kafka (4 books)
Arthur C. Clarke (4 books)

That probably tells you something profound. I just don't know what exactly that profound thing is.


Bobby said...

I should sort out my books by 'books I have actually finished' and 'books I have NOT actually finished' ...that'd be pretty telling I think.

Bobby said...

outsapa was the WORD VERIFICATION that time. Outsapa...it sounds like a word you could use in cases where...

tedivis is the one this time.

gnome said...

I started doing the same thing and stopped shocked. Hopefully noone will ever find out...

Tinker said...

I don't dare start that project right now - with the number of books around here, it might be a year or more before I finished...

Anonymous said...

I'm intimidated. :-)

I have Philip K Dick and Arthur C Clarke... I just couldn't tell you which ones. Well I could if I consulted my book database, but I'm off to bed now. Zzz.

Word verification for this post: hayfla. Is that what you've caught?