Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
I'm still settling in to my new computer (here's something you can do right now: burn a CD of all the free programs you've downloaded, so you won't have to find them all again), so here's a pretty picture: Martian soil sprinkled on a blob of silicate and photographed by Phoenix's microscope. The white bar in the bottom left shows the scale of one millimetre.
First comment dance...
It is a pretty picture. I haven't downloaded very many programs, but I think I'm going to go right now and burn off a CD of all the pictures I've saved from people's facebook albums...
A little while ago I read your story about a girl with wings who kept stealing all your stuff, which I really enjoyed but didn't comment on for some reason.
This story kind of reminded me of it: http://www.strangehorizons.com/2006/20060320/flying-f.shtml
Wow, and it looks so close... .
I should burn my own files on CD, never mind the free programs... I don't like the CD burner; it's such a palaver. It's USB 2.0 but even my iMac doesn't have USB 2.0, so the burning takes forever.
I suppose losing files is an even worse palaver; I would find myself going sadly round the arts sites, downloading the few pictures I have there.
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